Thursday 15 September 2016

Readership Planning

Readership Planning 
Target Audience: My target audience are sixth form students, so they will be aged 16-19 years old. The sixth form will have variety of subjects from sciences to creative arts so the magazine will need to attract all kinds of students. The younger students will need to know what kind of courses there are and the older students will want to have things that are about leaving sixth form, possibly information about universities, possible careers etc. A lot will of students will start driving soon so it will be good if there's information about driving courses and driving safety. There will be lots of information about different opportunities at sixth form since a lot of students will have different interests and personalities. It should also attract both sexes, the magazine will need to show everything there is so it appeals to as many people as possible.

Audience Research
What do you look for in a magazine? 
"Useful topics and articles" “Interesting front cover” “good journalism” “
What kind of articles would you like see in a sixth form magazine?
“Things about universities” “anything to do with careers” “news in general, everything doesn’t have to be specifically for sixth formers”
Would you expect a sixth form magazine to be formal or informal?
Formal – 7 votes, informal – 3 votes 

Which name is the best?  The Sixth Form Sense – 4 votes Berkshire Sixth Form – 1 vote   Sixth Form weekly – 3 votes The Daily Sixth – 2 votes

Possible slogans: “For the next chapter in your life” “news of your world” “Read the revolution” “read for happiness”

Possible house style designs: The title could be blue as it would be appropriate for sixth form however blue is typically seen as a boy’s colour and if it wasn’t dark blue it would look silly. Big red title to make it stand out, it should be a smart font since it’s for the sixth form maybe like a newspapers font but modern like a magazine. There won’t be a border since that would make it look like an amateur design. The dominant image could be of a student dressed sharply, looking happy, studying and talking to their friends

The Sixth Form Sense The Sixth Form Sense The Sixth Form Sense The Sixth Form Sense
Pros & Cons: Black: Boring but is generally seen as smart. Red: Stands out, might be too extreme. Blue: Is usually associated with sixth form and looks smart, it isn’t very unique. Green: Not a very popular colour, makes the magazine unique.
Photography Planning: one dominant image will take up the whole front cover. It can be of students studying at a table with open books and note to show to the target audience that it’s a serious magazine. The people in the photo will be wearing smart suits. This will appeal to the target audience because it shows 

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