Monday 2 January 2017

Question 3 - Institutions

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Image result for bauerImage result for kerrang logo
Bauer Media
Bauer Media is a privately owned, European based publishing company with over 600 magazines and many other digital products and radio stations. They publish three music magazines; “Mojo”, “Q” and “Kerrang”.  “Kerrang” and “Mojo” could possibly be competition for my magazine as they are both aimed at men, are rock genres and “Kerrang” is also aimed at teenagers. However, Bauer would be very good at publishing my magazine “Rebel” publishes similar magazines.
 Their magazines focus mainly on country side topics, fishing, music and bikes and cars. Their music magazines are aimed at young people, both men and women, “Kerrang” certainly targets men more. Most of their radio stations are aimed towards young people, for example “Heart Radio” is very popular among teenagers, this is an important aspect to consider if I  can reach another audience through different medias.

Image result for time incImage result for nme logo
Time Inc

Time Inc is an American media publishing company based in NYC and publishes over 100 different magazines such as “NME”, “Sports Illustrated” and most significantly owning “Time”. Even though they only publish magazines each one is very successful. “NME” is the only music magazine they publish. These are their Entertainment brands, each one focussing on popular culture, and current topics.
 Obviously, their target audiences are not just music fans but people who like sports, fashion, television and movies and culture. The target audiences would differ quite a lot for these, for example “Woman” will appeal to women more than men. They publish a lot of TV related magazines which are generally targeted towards adults of both genders.

 Both companies would be good for distributing my magazine but overall I think Bauer Media would be more suitable for it.
 Time Inc would be good but not as suitable; it only publishes magazines so I couldn’t reach other audiences with it, they only do two music magazines and even NME focuses too much on pop and isn’t a huge magazine compared to Bauer’s Q. Bauer also have “Kerrang” which is similar to “Rebel” so they have very similar target audiences so it would be a smart decision to go with Bauer.

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