Tuesday 3 January 2017

Question 7 - Summary and Look Back

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 My skills have developed a lot since making my preliminary project as I have stated in my other answers I have developed new skills with Photoshop. Over this course I have also learnt many new media key terms related to magazines such as “Masthead”, “dropcap”, “strapline”, “dominant image” and many more. All of this has helped me gain a key understanding in how music magazines use various conventions and how to identify them. For example, the masthead plays an important role in representing the magazine as a certain genre, most pop oriented magazines have big bold mastheads whereas rock magazines like "Kerrang" have their own unique typography. These different conventions instantly communicate to the audience what type of magazine it is.

 Another thing I’ve learnt is how magazines use these conventions to target different audiences. For example, with magazines targeted at teenagers and fans or rock and pop-punk like “Kerrang” has a chaotic look.

As you can see from my preliminary sixth form magazine front cover and my final music magazine cover I have used some of the same conventions and just improved upon them. For example, there are borders with text at the top and bottom, however I decided to have band names instead of a tagline as it suited the magazine better. I still have the coloured bars that come out from the edges like “ON BREXIT” but I have added artist logos to go with it as it helps communicate the genre to the audience. I also added a banner to go behind the title and the dominant image just to make it clearer whereas my preliminary cover didn’t need that. All these conventions showcase what I have learnt throughout this course.

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